Mystics, philosophers, poets and ordinary people through the centuries understood the “natural world” to contain valuable life lessons. Often referred to as the Book of Nature, people found metaphors, patterns, and inspiration for life when they spent time out of doors. Can we learn to integrate those lessons for ourselves? 

This introductory course will teach you how to practice nature contemplation and listen to the wisdom Nature has to offer you. 

Whether you are interested in creating a nature focused prayer practice, or want to explore nature contemplation as a mindfulness practice, this course is for you.

This course combines written lessons with periodic Zoom  meetings to share what we have learned and observed.

Course curriculum

    1. Course Description

    2. Our Course Community Page

    3. Welcome!

    4. Zoom Link for Our Discussions

    5. Welcome Notes Download

    1. What is Nature Contemplation?

    2. A Brief History of Nature Contemplation

    3. Practicing Nature Contemplation

    4. Chapter 1 Notes Download

    1. Lesson: Noticing

    2. Practice: Noticing

    3. Chapter 2 Notes Download

    4. Recording of Our Sharing Session on Noticing (Video Recording)

    5. Audio Recording of the Noticing Practice Sharing Zoom Call

    1. Lesson: Openness

    2. Practice: Openness

    3. Chapter 3 Notes Download

    4. Openness Practice Zoom Sharing Session (Video Recording)

    5. Audio Recording of Openness Practice Zoom Sharing Session

    1. Lesson: Wonder

    2. Practice: Wonder

    3. Chapter 4 Notes Download

    4. Wonder Practice Zoom Sharing Session (Video Recording)

    5. Audio Recording of Wonder Practice Zoom Sharing Session

    1. Lesson: Gratitude

    2. Practice: Gratitude

    3. Chapter 5 Notes Download

    4. Gratitude Practice Sharing Session (Video Recording)

    5. Audio Recording of Gratitude Practice Zoom Sharing Session

    6. Winter Solstice Meditation Video

About this course

  • $40.00
  • 35 lessons
  • 2 hours of video content


Susan Ernst

Susan Ernst, owner of Vibrant Growth Arts, is an artist, naturalist and soul care practitioner who is passionate about Nature, Creativity, and the Sacredness of Everyday Life. Susan holds degrees in Horticulture, Studio Art, and Religion & Ecology, as well as certificates in spiritual direction, master naturalist training, and nature contemplation.

What Students Say

“The nature course was inspirational to me and helped me feel more connected to the Earth and to myself. As an unexpected gift, it also helped me ease into the winter time transition with less resistance than normal. I’d highly recommend it! ”


“I loved having a plan and an excuse to spend time in Nature. I frequently spend time outside but having a purpose made it more meaningful. I will use the materials again when I need a reminder of the Wisdom of Nature! Thank you Susan! ”



  • What do the lessons consist of?

    Each lesson contains a variety of quotes from across religious and cultural traditions, as well as from across the centuries. The lessons are designed to give you something to reflect on during that week.

  • What is the time commitment for this course?

    - The lessons will take a few minutes to read. - The outdoor practice should be about an hour in duration, once per week. - The Zoom call will be no more than one hour.

  • I'm interested but can't make the Zoom calls. Can I still take the course?

    Yes! The Zoom sessions will be recorded, and there will be a place to share your experiences with fellow students.

  • I'm interested in the course content but not sure I want to participate in the Zoom calls. Is that okay?

    Yes, you will gain the skills necessary to practice nature contemplation on your own by reading the lessons and doing the practices.

  • This course looks great! I'm looking for a group like this. Will there be a way to stay connected once I finish the course?

    Yes! Zoom meetings will occur several times throughout 2024. You can make comments on the lessons at any time.

  • How long do I have access to this course?

    You have access for at least a year. I strongly recommend saving all the downloadable content to your computer or flash drive so you have it forever.

  • I've got a question not listed. How can I reach you?

    You can send an email to me at [email protected]